Part 2: The “IOTC” Trap
You’re right to want more from your business… But are you wanting the right things? The truth might surprise you.
So. You’re still here.


I meant it when I said I want to talk to you, because I had a feeling you’d click through.
And because you did, let’s get something out of the way.

The truth is I don’t believe any of that stuff I said on the first page. All that BS about how you should quit.

Neither do you, I bet.

Maybe you THINK you do, but let’s be honest—if you really did, you wouldn’t be reading this now, would you?

That makes you different.

A lot of people would have stacked up all those reasons to quit, nodded their head, and closed the page…

And then shut down their business with about as much thought and effort.

Oh sure, it might have taken them six months. Or a year.

But many, many business owners would have said “This guy really knows what he’s talking about…”

And subconsciously made the decision, right then, to end it all.

But not you.
You’re having all those problems—and still you persist. Seriously… Why IS that?
I’ve worked with a lot of digital agency owners. (More than 1000, actually.)

Which has helped me know how to spot the successful ones among the failures.

And your decision to click through to this page?

That tells me something.

It says to me that even though you might have SEEN some failures…

It doesn’t mean you ARE a failure.

Some part of you still knows you have a reason to keep fighting. (Maybe it’s deep, deep down, but it’s still there.)

Even though you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, you KEEP trying.

But listen.

I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I need to share an uncomfortable fact.
The truth is you can try all you want—but the deck is stacked against you.
Simply wanting to make more money isn’t going to fill your bank account. There are always people who will undercut you.

Wishing your clients would respect you won’t make them suddenly change who they are at their core. (You know that saying “Haters gonna hate?” Well… Clients gonna client.)

And you can do all the deep breathing, praying, meditating, or emotional eating you want…
None of it’s going to make a lick of difference when a project goes off the rails.

In other words, it’s not your fault that you don’t have the success you’re after.

It really IS everybody else.

But you know what?

Things are looking way better for you than you could possibly imagine.

Because I’m about to tell you a secret…

One that successful people know—and others don’t.

And here it is...
What you’re doing isn’t working because you’re doing the WRONG things.
WISHING for the wrong things.

FOCUSED on the wrong things.


The wrong things.

Let me explain… (With a bit of a detour.)

Ever do one of those personality tests? You know, where you answer a bunch of questions and they spit out a four-letter acronym?

EFQP or AXBV etc. etc...

Well, I’ve studied a lot of people.

And in my opinion, there’s another personality type that nobody’s ever identified before. One that’s pervasive in our industry. (In fact, it’s widespread in business in general.)

I call it IOTC.

And that stands for

If only… then I could.

Here’s what IOTC looks like.

If only I had more leads, then I could pick and choose which projects I took on.

If only I could pick and choose, then I could work with better clients.

If only I had better clients, then I could make more money.

If only I made more money, then I could be happy.

Sound familiar? I’m willing to wager it does.

But the thing about people who are IOTCs—can we call them that?—is they’re focusing on the wrong thing.

IOTCs are obsessed with the symptoms of whatever problem is ailing them…

Not the ACTUAL problem itself.
Bad projects. No money. Poor leads. Unhappiness. These are all symptoms—not problems.
All these issues are indicators that there’s a LARGER problem at work.

One I want to tell you about now…

See, what IOTCs don’t know is that you don’t need more leads or better clients or bigger paychecks or more happiness…

You need what causes them.

You need to be doing what’s going to give you these things NATURALLY.

Here’s the good news: that’s just ONE thing.

When you’re aligned and pursuing this single strategy, everything else happens automatically.
Leads come to you, instead of you having to chase them.

Better clients rise to the top of your inbox, and you get to say no to anyone and everyone you don’t want to work with.

It feels like money falls out of the sky—in bigger amounts, and more often, than you ever thought possible.

And life gets so much easier.

You’re sleeping again. You’re taking time off. You’re enjoying what you do.


(Can it be true?)


Truly, wildly happy.

All because... 
You’re not worried about COMPETING in your market. Instead, you’re focused on DOMINATING it.
Now that’s a big word, dominating.

One that comes with some preconceptions that I don’t want you to get hung up on.
So let me explain what I mean.

When I talk about market domination, it’s not a violent thing, or an aggressive one.
It’s not about power, or “strong vs. weak,” or any of that nonsense.

“Dominating” your market is simply about this...

Doing what it takes to make yourself the ONLY choice that comes to a buyer’s mind.
You need to make yourself the leading authority in your market.

I don't care what you want to call it—owning your niche, rising to the top, cornering your market, or even kicking ass...

The point is you need to make yourself THE choice when leads and clients start to think about buying.

When people with money want to spend it on what you do, they think of you.

That’s what I call “market domination.”

And if you haven’t already figured out why you want it, let me ask you this…

When a soon-to-be client is thinking about buying what you sell…

How do you think the conversation at their office usually goes?

You might imagine it sounds like this.

“We need a website” or “We need Facebook ads” or “We need THING YOU DO. Let’s go online and find someone will give us exactly what we want for the smallest amount of money.”

Bleh. Who needs THEM?

Time-wasters. Tire-kickers. Looky-loos. Vampires.

No matter what you call them, they’ll drain you dry.

Because when you take jobs that start out like that, they finish like…

Actually, I don’t have to explain it to you.

You know ALL TOO WELL how they end up.

Now you might wish the conversation went a little like this…

We need THING YOU DO. Let’s get proposals from Agency X… and Company 123… and that particularly interesting person we met last week.” (That’s you!)

But you don’t want that either.

Because, more often than not, that’s also a “lowest price” situation. (You’re just competing against fewer people.)

It’s also a “Let’s make them jump through insane hoops” situation.

And a “Let’s make them follow up a dozen times” situation.

And a “Let’s forget to tell them they didn’t get the job when we eventually pick the business partner’s nephew” situation.


Here’s what you REALLY want them to say.
“We need THING YOU DO. Let’s call that industry expert we keep hearing is incredible. (Guess who?) I’m sure they’re expensive, but let’s start there. Because I’m told they’re the best—and we want the best.”


Is what dominating your market looks like.

Instead of being just a random name in a sea of search engine results, you get asked for BY name because you’re an authority.

And instead of getting haggled down on price…

You NAME your price, because you have a reputation for being the best.

So you get better work.

Better clients.

Better paycheck.

Better life.

All when you stop saying “if only… then I could”—

And make dominating your market your goal.

Sound good?


Now the only question is…

How the heck do you dominate a market? 
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